So that you may know….
During the 1990s, I am more familiar with GeoCities writers and beta testers than with the neighborhoods in my town. Geocities is one of the most popular and oldest websites in the net that offers sense of being in the state of “wired’ within community, it was one of my first ventures into being the “cybernauts” (not related to the old British film in the 60s) as opposed to web surfers today in this period, to freely and openly become engaged with the internet, GeoCities will always be an important part of web history.
They have taken care to preserve some of my write up that still matters today. Thank you.
How do I connect in during that period ? The same thing as BBs systems (a.k.a. Bulletin Board) in the 80s, I use 14.4 or 28.8 kbps (if we’re lucky) modem and a prepaid internet card coupled with an installation CD, that look like this.
In 2007, mobile tech improvements have made use of the Nokia Communicator that look like this.
Now you know.